Monday, December 30, 2013

Sometimes you have to give thanks!

For the past year i have been through so many changes i cant even began to remember.
I lived my past 4 years at Rexburg - Idaho. Where i study to get my Bachalors degree and after that i was def nervous of what to do with my life, people tend to think is an easy decision, but is not.

The decision that you make today will affect tomorrow, so during the winter semester i struggle a lot of what to do with my self, what to do with my life, and it was hard! It was really hard. Then i decided i want to go to New York.

After my graduation my sister got married, it was a big change in my life (i know is about my sister but common is always about me) anyways, after her Wedding i went to New York and lived there for couple months, but then i realize that it wasnt for me, so i had to quit my job and moved again for the third time (this was my second job of the year) anyways, saying bye to my babies ( i work at a daycare) it was really hard i cried and i still miss them!.

My third place that i lived this 2013 it was my home Ecuador, i came and i found a job at my old school as a teacher (still not knowing what to do and just winging it) i work there for a couple months  until i found my last job it was around October. I took it (it was related to my major), and im currently working there hopefully for many years more.

And today i just realized that i have moved 3 times and work in 4 different places, in all those places i have met knew people that have help me to shape to the person that im trying to become, i have met awesome people and not so awesome people.

This year i have cried, laughed, had fun, shared with my friends, done a lot of things and today i just sit here been thankful for one more year. One more year with my family, one more year with my friends, one more year of living a good life! I can complain about a lot of bad things that i went through but then again it wouldn't be fair since also a lot of good things happen. i guess thats it this is my way of saying goodbye to 2013.

You sure have been a good one, you have taught me a lot, and even though i have a laugh at the trip to memory lane in instagram (the video that everybody is doing about their best memories of this year) i wish i could do it here!

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